Inspired by Toy Story and Mad Max the art will follow a cartoonish style in a wasteland 3D world
The player will be able to choose his own path and conquer powerful toy empires with his fists & combos
Sancho used to be a wrestling toy, now he is considered only garbage but he will forge a new toy empire to get revenge on his previous owner
Screenshots & Concepts
Sancho got his new textures and he is looking HOT!
This is how the black king castle looks like. Would you join him?
This is how the white king castle looks like. Would you join him?
The concept character of Sancho the Wrestling Toy, our protagonist with some different head options.
Concept of the first level general look
We are a team of students at ENTI-UB, we had formed this group in order to create a game for one of our subjects Projects ||, but we might stay together after the subject if the game end up as we expect and we have as much fun playing it as we are having during the development.
Our roles in the team are:
Manel (Developer)
Omar (Developer)
Artur (Developer)
Miquel (Developer & UI artist)
Ismael (Artist)
Alex (Artist)
The Game is a students project, but give it a try if you feel like.
Use WASD to move
Left and Right Click for fast or strong attacks
Shift to roll
E to talk
H to get heal
and Esc to escape (obious isn't it?)
(might get some changes)